A Plethora of Plinky Posts

As you may have noticed, many of my blog posts come as a result of Plinky.com prompts. I’ve been a bit busy with miscellaneous holiday activities (including working eight days straight) and I haven’t gotten around to the Plinky prompts that have been arriving in my inbox. But they have all been good ones so I decided to lump them all together in one big Plinky prompt bonanza!

“Share what you know about your family ancestry.”

I do wish I knew more about my family’s ancestry. I don’t know my family tree’s roots very well. My mother’s side appears to be Irish and German. Dad’s side is German and something else no one knows for sure.

When thinking about my family history I cannot but hope to find something exciting. Like maybe I’ve descended from European royalty. Or from one of the families on the Mayflower! Perhaps there was a famous scientist or inventor in my family tree. The possibilities are endless! Well, maybe not endless, but since I don’t know very much for certain there is plenty of room for my (overactive) imagination!

My idea for my NaNoWriMo “novel” (The Not-So Secret Diary of Tabitha Neil) centered around a young girl listening to a story told by her grandmother that prompted her to find out more about her own family.

I should take a hint from my own writing and find out more about my own family.

“What do you want to be remembered for?”

I want to be remembered for becoming a great writer, of course!!!

But aside from that I would just want to be remembered as being funny, smart, hard-working, interesting, friendly, kind, and well-traveled. I’d like to be someone you’d want to have around to make you smile, help get things done, or just hang out with.

“What are you looking forward to this year?”

Nothing in particular. Is that sad? I just don’t expect 2011 to be much different than 2010. I will probably be going back to college (not looking forward to it at all) but other than that I expect to experience the same ups and downs as any other year.

Now what would I like to have happen this year? That’s a different question. If I could write the script for 2011 it would include all sorts of great things.

  • Going to Red Sox games (maybe even sitting on the Green Monster!)
  • Getting a paid writing gig (though I am super excited to start writing for Bottomlinesox.com this year!)
  • Traveling to somewhere I’ve never been before (See “Where I’d Like To Go”)
  • Making new friends and meeting even more Twitter friends “in real life.”

I don’t know if any of these things will happen, but I certainly hope they will!

“What is the single most important thing you accomplished this year?”

I don’t know. I feel like I haven’t accomplished anything too spectacular in 2010. I wish I could say I finally made it to New Zealand or had some of my writing published or decided for certain what I want to be “when I grow up” and how to get there.

But before I throw up my hands in despair and say that 2010 was a failure, I should follow Michael Nobbs’ advice and take a look at what I have accomplished, no matter how small.

It might not seem like an accomplishment, but I met five Twitter friends (@TheRealMBB, @paulrharvey3, @SilverFear, @Prouty, @TheBostonMench) in person this year. I’m not the most outgoing/social person on the planet, so overcoming my slight fear of “strangers” was a big deal for me.

I began my blog in January (and have totaled over 1,770 views so far! See “2010 In Review: Stats“) and wrote a “novel” for National Novel Writing Month in November. I hope that both of these will help me develop my writing into a career, but we’ll see. And I made it through another year without any major disasters (natural or self-inflicted) so that’s a very good thing!

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3 Comments on “A Plethora of Plinky Posts”

  1. I’ve never heard of Plinky before, but it sounds interesting. Perhaps I’ll use it when I’m feeling the writer’s block.

  2. INC Says:

    Hi, Michele, thanks for coming by my blog! I enjoyed reading this post because we used to live in NH and became Red Sox fans while we were there. I’ve also always wanted to go to New Zealand–even before the days of LOTR!

    Family roots can be really interesting.. I was fortunate that my dad loved ancestry and he and one of his cousins had done a lot of digging into old records.

    I hope your writing goes well in 2011!

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